Ground Use - Mon 8th to Sun 14th June 2020

7 Jun 2020 by Paul Smith

The slight relaxation of lockdown means there are more opportunities to have cricket nets with a decent number of people – we can now have 6 people all using a net together, so long as social distancing is observed at all times.

With the above in mind, this is what is available this week (Mon 8th to Sun 14th June):

- Monday & Tuesday: slots at 5pm, 6pm & 7pm available for booking on TeamApp

- Saturday & Sunday: slots from 3pm to 7pm available for booking on TeamApp

- Wednesday: net sessions for under 15s / 3rd XI players
- Thursday: net sessions for 1st & 2nd XI players
- Friday: net sessions for some under 11s players
- Saturday (before 3pm): net sessions for some under 13s and under 15s players

You will be contacted by your team captain / coach regarding the the sessions on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday (before 3pm).

And from next week (week commencing 15th June) we are aiming to have more age group training sessions allocated to specific times. Your team coaches may have already been in touch in this respect.

We hope you take these training opportunities if you feel you can – our groundsman is working extremely hard to prepare practice pitches and the club is doing everything it can to make the environment safe for all of you to use. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your team coach / captain or send an email to

Finally, if you haven’t yet donated to our COVID-19 fund, please consider doing so by following this link: